Student Solution


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Post Test 2

Post Test 2

Q What differentiated a “robber baron” from other “captains of industry” in late nineteenth century America?Upon reflection, did the Populist Party make a wise decision in choosing to support the Democratic Party’s candidate in the 1896 presidential election? Why or why not?In what ways did writers, photographers, and visual artists begin to embrace more realistic subjects in their work? How were these responses to the advent of the industrial age and the rise of cities?

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The “Captains of Industry” were people who were attracting attention for their new business models, varying degrees, entrepreneurial approaches, and philanthropic efforts which helped in the transformation of America in the 19th Century. One example of “Captains of industry” would be Carnegie or Rockefeller. “Robber Barons” are people who are noted for their nature dominated by self-centeredness for profits at the expense of its labors and the general public who are very rarely benefitted from their works. One such example would be Gould.